Reeth: 01748 884308 / Gunnerside: 01748 886321


Our curriculum:

  • Is ambitious for all learners
  • Provides interesting, relevant, enjoyable and exciting learning experiences
  • Is broad and balanced, providing distinct subject based learning
  • Is carefully planned to ensure rigorous, progressive and sequenced lessons
  • Covers all of the National Curriculum
  • Is adapted and strengthened to cater for the needs of our pupils locally, and to make the most of learning opportunities here

Learning priorities for pupils in our catchment include:


Two year rolling programme: September 2023 to July 2025

Our curriculum is organised on a two year cycle to provide a series of exciting, engaging and challenging projects. Where possible and beneficial, discrete study in different subject areas is linked to add interest, relevance and context to learning.  

Curriculum summary sheets can be downloaded by clicking on the links below:


For English and Mathematics, please refer to the curriculum pages below. 

Further information

If you would like further information on our curriculum for individual subjects, please use the links below.

Marking key

A marking scheme has been established for use across all year groups in both our schools. Hopefully this key will answer queries you may have about any jottings by the teacher that you find in your child’s books.