Reeth: 01748 884308 / Gunnerside: 01748 886321


School relay

School relay

Well done to all pupils (and their parents) that took part in the school relay on Saturday. Each pupil ran a section of the 6 mile journey between the schools, following the route of the Swaledale Marathon. Parents were left for dust as pupils led the way up the first...

EY building team

EY building team

In early years, we've been making the most of sunny days by getting the builders in! We have really enjoyed using our new outdoor resources - the house and our giant construction pieces are especially popular. 

Y3&4 science

Y3&4 science

As part of their topic on rocks, Y3&4 have been busy making their own fake geodes.  Our team of super scientists had to take care and wear protective clothing because they were using chemicals and things which got hot. They thought it was great fun.

Sports days

Sports days

We hope that you enjoyed our sports days this week. The children did really well, trying their best and having fun. Both events were a great way to end our summer term, with some sun at last. Thank you and best wishes for a super holiday. 

Crackpot Cave

Crackpot Cave

Y5&6 pupils have enjoyed a brilliant underground journey, exploring Crackpot Cave. As part of this term’s geography project, pupils have learned about caves and their formation. The adventure provided an opportunity to see some really impressive stalatites,...